Massage Body

Nội dung cơ bản
(1.000 VND)

01. Mido special massage

The combination massage (Thai, Shiatsu, Aroma, Sports). You can choose:  (3 in 1) or (4 in 1)

75 mins 660
90 mins 790
120 mins 960

02. Aromatherapy massage

A very powerful yet light rhythmic massage. This personalized treatment is an hour of sensory bliss.

60 mins 570
90 mins 760
120 mins 920

03. Traditional Thai massage

The technicians use ingenious methods, stretching muscles, blood publications. Helps relaxation and circulation of the blood circulation.

60 mins 570
90 mins 790
120 mins 960

04. Thai massage with oil

Unlike traditional Thai massage, technicians elbow impact on blood sugar and muscle. Helps soften muscles and blood circulation.

60 mins 570
90 mins 760
120 mins 960

05. Sports massage

Designed to help aid the body in releasing wastes from over and under worked muscles. Great after a hard workout. Helps maintain optimum muscle performance.

60 mins 570
90 mins 790
120 mins 920

06. Intuitive Shiatsu

This ancient Japanese full-body treatment incorporates varying rhythms and degrees of pressure to balance flows of energy throughout the body.

60 mins 570
90 mins 790
120 mins 920

07. Herbal traditional

75 mins 690
90 mins 810

08. Warm stone massage

Decreases pain and muscle spasms. Reduces chronic stress and tension. Increases flexibility in joints, aiding in easier mobility and movement. Relieves pain and tension created by strained and contracted muscle.

75 mins 630
90 mins 760
120 mins 930

09. Vietnamese and Chinese massage

Vietnam massage based on traditional massage therapy of Vietnam, with and pressing punching, clapping’

60 mins 570
90 mins 760
120 mins 920

10. KIDs Massage

60 mins 460
90 mins 570
120 mins 690

11. Indian back, neck & shoulder massage

A deeply relaxing massage focusing on areas around the neck, shoulders and across the back

30 mins 350
60 mins 600

Liên hệ: 0961.969.554


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